Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Past-Due Things (244-245)

Today's the day. Well, actually, yesterday was the day. I should have logged my 365th Thing yesterday. Instead, today, I give you Things 244-245:

From 365 things

Today, we have green Things. I've held on to these shirts solely to wear on St. Patrick's Day. But in reality, whenever March 17 rolls around, I usually end up wearing a different green shirt for whatever reason. So it's time to let these green Things go.

As far as my little project, I'm gonna keep chipping away. I missed my goal, but I still have a lot of crap to get rid of. Also, instead of lying to myself and saying that I'll post every day or every other day, I need to admit that'll never happen. So I'm going to create a calendar for myself. This will also allow me to schedule my next blogging project that's sure to be a great idea that's impossible to executive (for me, at least).

So it goes.

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