Thursday, November 16, 2006

Like man's best friend

It's occured to me recently that I'm ridiously loyal to big business. Although, not really loyal so much as lazy.

For example, I've had the same Hotmail account since I was 18. And even though I'm fed up with Hotmail and my "Stoner" address isn't exactly professional, I keep on using it. Why? Because I'm too lazy to re-educate all my contacts on a new e-mail account.

I also still have the first credit card I ever opened. It' s got an insanely high APR, and I now rarely use it. But I can't bring myself to actually close the account. (Part of that has to do with my attempt to establish a long, illustrious credit history, but I could probably accomplish that through some of my other cards).

I've had a Verizon cell phone, and only a Verizon cell phone, for years. Could I get better service and cheaper rates with another company? Probably. But I've already got my online bills set up through Verizon, and alas, I'm lazy.

Then there's this blog. Although I haven't been blogging very long, I soon realized after starting this one that other blogging sites, such as Typepad, have more features that I'd like, such as a labeling system. But I'm too lazy to actually move everything over.

However, this time my loyalty has paid off. Blogspot has released a new version of its system that has all kinds of new gizmos for my blogging pleasure. This happens to coincide with my plans revamp the old blog a bit. So, expect a few changes here and there over the next few weeks. Hooray!


Anonymous said...

And here I thought you were just ridiculously loyal to being lazy. And someone who rubs your feet.

Melinda said...

Dude, I belong to one of those discount book clubs, like the literary BMG. I have not purchased a book from them for 3 years. Every other month they send me an unsolicited "featured selection" which I then have to promptly take back to the post office and return. But do I take the five minutes to call the club and quit? No. Lazy.