Monday, May 12, 2008


Remember how I was documenting how many miles I ran every month? I sort of forgot to keep doing that. And along the way, I also sort of started running less and less. Hence:

January: 37 miles
February: 24 miles
March: 12 miles
April: 15 miles
May (so far): 0

So, I need to get back on track. I promised myself I would get up and run before work today, but in the warmth of my bed at 6 a.m., I convinced myself to go running after work.

Regardless of when I run, I need to start doing it daily. It needs to become a routine, because if I've learned anything about myself in the past few months, it's that I really, really like my routine. When it gets out of whack, I get crabby.

Right now, though, the only place it makes sense to stick an hour run everyday is in the morning, because really, I don't need that extra hour of sleep. I'm usually lights-out by 10:30ish every night, so I really should be able to get up at 6 every morning. I just ... don't.

But if I keep trying and trying to adopt this new routine, maybe someday I can be one of those people who gets up early every morning and works out. Odds are, it ain't gonna happen. But — much to Chris' dismay because he has to listen to the alarm I shut off every 10 minutes each morning — I'm going to keep trying.

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