Friday, July 24, 2009


I've been blessed with a very easy pregnancy so far. Never had morning sickness. No health problems (at least, not yet). No mood swings or insane fears. But I have to admit, I'm kinda looking forward to NOT being pregnant anymore.

There's the obvious reason: I can't wait to meet this baby that already seems to have a personality and sense of humor. For example, when Chris tries to listen to the baby's heartbeat, Baby TK has taken to kicking him in the ear. I'm so proud.

But then there are the day-to-day things I miss, like being able to bend over to tie my shoes, or walking up a flight of stairs without getting winded. This morning, it took me 30 minutes to walk from our house to the train. Usually, it only takes 10.

Part of me feels selfish and weak for mentally being done with this whole pregnancy thing only 70% of the way through. I'm not a C- kind of gal. But then again, this week, three people told me I'm starting to waddle. What's up with that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie,

I understand how you feel. At this point, you feel like a beached whale. You want your body back. Heaven knows what price to put upon her goods. Unfortunately, we women seem to pay most of the cost.
When I was pregnant, your father in law had to tie my shoes and shave my legs.
You are starting to waddle, because the pregnancy hormones are loosening up your pelvic girdle, in preparation for the Big Day.

Love you and see you soon, Mommymarji