Friday, September 08, 2006

What’s going on

So I guess I should update this blog thing. There’s not a whole lot going on in Sarah Stonerland, except for maybe that wedding thing … which is tomorrow.

So yeah, I’m pretty much going nuts right now. I’m taking care of all those little things I put off for the past year. In fact, as I write this I’m sitting with some nasty teeth whitening trays in my mouth, pretty much drooling all over the keyboard. Hot.

So, we’ve got all kinds of family in town now and lots of friends coming in town today. Last night we went out with a bunch of folks from various parts of our life. Total bizzaro world to see Chris’ old roommate, my former coworker from New York, my parents, Chris’ parents and his aunt and uncle and cousins all gathered around the same table. Like, how many different parts of our life and different places lived can we bring together at the same time? Amazing.

Anyway, I’m not sure if I’ll have time to update this here blog while on the honeymoon, so for the next two weeks, think of me fondly, like, “Aw, Sarah’s drinking brewskis in Germany right now…” or “Sarah’s probably kicking it on the Mediterranean today.”


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