Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This is The End (of 2008)

On my way to work this morning, my CTA card just stopped working. I used it on the bus, and it was fine. Then I went to the train, and it simply didn't register. No "Retouch Card" error, no "Account Balance" error. Nothing. So, while my train roared overhead, I had to go buy a disposable card.

When I finally got on the train, it went to two stops before stalling on the tracks for 20 minutes. Something about signal clearance and whatnot.

But even though I was delayed and even though the last few days have been really, really hectic, I was still in a pretty good mood when i got into work this morning.

Then, a co-worker sent out this link. I think it was meant to be a rah-rah charge to gear up for the New Year. But instead, I kind of feel like jumping off a bridge now. Jeez.

1 comment:

Mitch Joel said...

please don't jump :)

Happy New Year and thanks for the link.