Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday: April Fools

Oh my, is it Tuesday already? I’ve been busy building what is quite possibly the worst fantasy baseball team ever for the past few days, so I lost track of time. And did I mention I picked Florida to lose in the first round of the NCAA tourney? Me=dumb.

Anyway, this month’s SPT challenge is “April Fool.” I decided to go with some April Fools (plural, not possessive):

A few weeks ago Chris and I visited the Jelly Belly warehouse in Pleasant Prairie, Wis. We thought it was a factory, but it turns out it was only a distribution site. However, they still give you a tour and show you how they make Jelly Bellys. They also make you wear hats and ride a train. This is really fun if you’re an eight-year-old, which is good because there were a ton of kids on the tour. In fact, Chris and I quickly realized that we were the only adults there other than parents. So yeah, we’re dorks, but we had a really good time anyway. We bought a ton of candy and got some free stuff and bought chocolate and a bag of mutant Jelly Bellys and a puzzle and then we ate too much candy and got stomach aches.

Here’s to acting like kids for a day:


Anonymous said...

That Chris guy is dashing!

Anonymous said...

as in, dashing babies on a rock

Sarah said...


Anonymous said...

my daughter has been to the Jelly Belly Factory twice and she still wants to go back, it's that "kid in a candy store" idea that she can't seem to get enough of.